
3 ways in which your body is protecting you in a chronic disease

I'm Anindita!

I am a Functional Medicine certified Health Coach and AFMC Practitioner. I help women with autoimmune conditions I help women with autoimmune conditions reverse their symptoms with their body as their guide

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The health challenges that we are facing today are not limited to diet and exercise. They actually go much beyond that in terms of the environment that we live in and our relationship with the world around us. 

However, I find that many people are unaware of this fact and the huge role it plays in our health outcomes. Unfortunately for us, in the world that we live in today, our most basic needs of clean air/water, nutritious and wholesome foods, regular movement, regular care for our social and emotional health are missing for many of us. This goes contrary to what we would expect with the kind of advances in science and technology. In certain strata of society, this is certainly due to a lack of financial means, but for many other people, this mismatch is because of the modern environment that we live in today

The evolutionary mismatch between your body and your environment

In my personal and professional experience, the modern world that we live in today has many benefits, however, there is also a dark underbelly to it.

This is in fact something that I have really struggled to accept since this paints a bleak future for our children and I fervently wish this was not the case. However, I have now reached a stage where I would like to increase awareness about this and work towards creating a better future by making changes starting from my corner of the world

More than ever before, there are more and more of us who are eager to improve our health and are already spending time, money, and effort in doing so but we are not seeing the results.

We need to understand that the modern day plague of chronic diseases that we are grappling with are due to causes beyond our body’s capabilities of keeping us healthy

Today, many of us are sedentary, undernourished and overfed, and far removed from nature and our natural rhythms and it is having a huge adverse impact on our health. This has been further aggravated due to the pandemic raging on since 2020.

This current environment is quite new for us as a species where for the first 2.5 million years of evolution we were used to living in a very different set of conditions. We are now we are grappling with an evolutionary mismatch as our bodies (including our brains) are simply not equipped to deal with a very different set of conditions.

Is it any wonder that our bodies are reacting the way they are?

3 reasons why I believe your body is protecting and not betraying you

There has been a huge rise in autoimmune conditions across the world and it is not a mere coincidence. There is a connection between the exponential rise in the sheer amount of toxins we are exposed to, our lifestyle and our diet.

I believe that even when you feel that your body is not in your control anymore and has become a stranger to you, your body is

  • simply reacting to the environment you are asking it to live in
  • sending you messages every single day and asking you to take some action
  • trying it’s best to adapt to the current environment even when is a form of maladaption in the form of immune hypervigilance and overreaction


This is a 6 month health coaching programme for women with autoimmune conditions.

If you are waiting for an exact diagnosis or have recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition and are unsure of what you can do to support your body’s healing process, then this is for you.

Find out more about the coaching programme and schedule a free 30 min APPLICATION CALL today by clicking on the link.

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Health Coach, author, blogger, podcaster, mom of two and avid reader

Before you get any further....
Hi, I'm Anindita!

I am a Functional Medicine certified Health Coach and AFMC practitioner. I help women with autoimmune conditions reverse their symptoms with their body as their guide

I work with women who want to go beyond symptom management, reconnect with their bodies and learn how to get well and stay well by tuning into their body's wisdom 

Learn more


“Autoimmune healing toolkit for women”

This toolkit will be focusing on the different kinds of tools you can use to create a healing environment like mindfulness, self compassion, journaling, stress management by reconnecting to your body's wisdom.
Sign up for the WAITLIST to receive the ebook when it is published!

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