Root causes

What you are NOT asking about healthy eating but definitely should (especially if you are struggling with weight issues)
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What you are NOT asking about healthy eating but definitely should (especially if you are struggling with weight issues)

Reading Time: 7 minutesIn this post, I have decided to share with you some of the key interventions that I introduce early in my coaching sessions regarding how we should all be eating in order to ensure maximum absorption of nutrients. This is often the missing piece in terms of seeing the health outcomes that my clients have been seeking for many years. This is particularly true for those who have been struggling to lose weight in spite of being focussed on eating healthy and wholesome foods.

Motivation, habits and willpower- what you need to know to change your life
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Motivation, habits and willpower- what you need to know to change your life

Reading Time: 6 minutesIntrinsic motivation is necessary for making sure that we take action on a consistent basis. This is because intrinsic motivation is based on personal values and self awareness that leads to enjoyment, satisfaction and interest in the action being taken.

Do you know your ‘WHY” ? (And why you should)
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Do you know your ‘WHY” ? (And why you should)

Reading Time: 4 minutesSo let us dream and let us take out the time to reflect on what is truly important for each of us. Let us find the courage to face up to reality and make the changes necessary to live in our TRUTH. To look at ourselves in the mirror every single day and be proud of who we are. At the same time be able to view life compassionately as we deal with our own pain and suffering and that of others.

What is holding you back from losing weight?
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What is holding you back from losing weight?

Reading Time: 7 minutesHowever, as most of us may realise, inspite of all the awareness about exercise and “healthy” diets, there is something missing here, something that is not right. This approach is simply NOT working for most of us. Otherwise, there would not be more people (including children) who are overweight and in many cases, chronically ill.

YOU are the “expert” on your child (especially in terms of nutrition)
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YOU are the “expert” on your child (especially in terms of nutrition)

Reading Time: 7 minutesAs far as food is concerned, as we have become scared of saying NO to the things that are affecting our children’s health, in effect we are saying YES to processed and nutritionally depleted foods which will have long term impact on our children’s health

Why an elimination diet is usually the starting point for embarking on your health journey
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Why an elimination diet is usually the starting point for embarking on your health journey

Reading Time: 4 minutesFood remains the most important piece in the puzzle and the first step towards improving our gut health. By eliminating certain trigger foods which are causing your symptoms by creating chronic inflammation in your body you can begin working on healing your gut. The best way to discover your food sensitivities is to complete an elimination diet.