Find your RHYTHM and replenish your energy
In this post, I am focusing on an important resource that we often take for granted – ENERGY. We often feel that we have an infinite amount of energy that we possess as we push through life ignoring our natural cycles and rhythms even though our body’s internal clock has evolved over millions of years to be in sync with nature. But because of our fast paced lives, we are often living a life which is completely out of sync with that of nature.
Today, many of us are paying the price for this in terms of feeling overwhelmed, tired, exhausted and drained of energy.
When we live under chronic stress, live sedentary lives and eat a bizarre combination of processed foods that are alien to our bodies, we are completely removed from what evolution has prepared our bodies and our minds to deal with over millions of years. In our chaotic lives, we eat at all hours of the day and night, barely get enough sleep and are constantly distracted by our devices and media.
Is it any wonder then that so many of us struggle to lose weight, feel vibrant and healthy and live to the fullest?
Do you….
Wake up in the morning and not feel refreshed?
Need coffee, tea or sugary beverages to keep you going through the day?
Lack the motivation to accomplish even the smallest tasks?
Struggle to lose weight in spite of a healthy diet and regular exercise?
Feel your mind racing even though you are physically tired?
In my coaching practice, we address these issues by finding out the root cause and then making lifestyle and dietary changes to support it. My clients are taught to understand that our bodies have an innate biochemical and genetic rhythm which has evolved to rest when it becomes dark and to wake up when the sun rises.
Each of us must find our rhythm, it allows us to thrive.
Finding it is often difficult in today’s noisy world but it is important if we want to feel centred and balanced. Living in sync with the seasons of nature helps us find a wavelike rhythm and routine. This gentle repetition allows us our minds and our bodies to replenish and rejuvenate on a regular basis thus ensuring our wellbeing at a spiritual, emotional, physical level.
(You can read about the power of a morning routine in my earlier post HERE)
Creating a natural rhythm in your day is quite simple, and you can start to feel the impact almost immediately. Circadian rhythm or the wake-sleep cycle is what we usually focus on. However, another lesser known rhythm known as the ultradian rhythm is an important aspect of our natural rhythm that many people are not aware of. This is a part of our balance of activity and rest that impacts our energy and productivity levels on a daily basis and eventually our health outcome.
The key to working with our ultradian rhythm is listening to your body’s natural rest cues and finding a routine which helps you to work with your body’s natural rhythm and not against. This means that you need to focus on bursts of productivity and work for about 90-120 minutes and then take a break of about 15 minutes or so.
This kind of schedule helps “reset” our brain and adds stability to our lives and makes us feel more balanced and secure. By listening to our body, we end up focusing on taking breaks when required so that our energy levels remain high and we can maintain our focus throughout the day.
On the flip side, some people fall into a rhythm and a set of patterns that is self destructive. These people end up coasting through life without being able to fulfil any of their needs in a positive manner. Their lifestyle ends up working against them and holding them back.
This can also happen to the best of us at some point in our lives but most of usually find our way by making small but positive changes in the right direction. We learn from our mistakes and move towards what we desire, one step at a time.
It all starts with where you are. Taking rest if you need to. Listening to your body. And getting back on the bandwagon if you do fall off. And knowing that the results are worth the trouble that you are taking right now- at a physical, spiritual and emotional level.
You can then add a few more additional layers to your routine to give yourself a bigger boost.
You can…
hydrate yourself well every day starting with a glass of water when you wake up in the morning
get your body to move- dance, yoga, pilates or any other restorative exercise
go regularly for a walk in nature
start journaling (a stress journal works really well for some people)
ask for help for something you are struggling with
focus on your “WHY” – why you get up in the morning and what you are planning to accomplish? (you can read my post on this topic here)
focus on what you can control and let go of what you cannot
Finding our rhythm lays the foundation to help us achieve our dreams and lead a life that is fulfilling at the same time. It allows us to live a life filled with joy, happiness, peace and to be fully alive to love and be loved.
The Byrds had captured this really well in their song “Turn turn turn“
To everything turn, turn, turnThere is a season turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose
Under heaven A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep A time to build up
A time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rain, a time of sow
A time for love, a time for hate
A time for peace
I swear it’s not too late In this week’s podcast episode I take you through some specific actions that you can take today to replenish yourself by connecting with your natural rhythm on a consistent basis and a guided meditation to help you with this.