
The Autoimmune Recovery Guide: Myths, Root Causes and Immune Balance

Addressing the root causes of autoimmune disease is a highly effective way to restore balance and reverse autoimmune disease.

This means focusing on healing and repairing the gut lining, improving nutrient absorption, reducing inflammation, balancing the immune system, and managing stress. It is also important to be mindful of any potential food sensitivities or triggers as well as toxins in your environment.

By taking these steps to address the root causes of your disease, you can manage your symptoms more effectively and even prevent further damage.

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The first 5 steps you should take after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease

Your autoimmune disease diagnosis does not have to control your life. You don’t have to feel constantly sick, in pain and deal with extreme fatigue for the rest of your life. There is much you can do to take charge of your health and get your life back.

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Don’t wait for the “exact” diagnosis of your autoimmune condition, here are 3 powerful reasons why

You don’t have to wait for anything to be different in your life including getting an exact diagnosis to start supporting your body by creating a healing environment. Whether this is by making healthier food choices, choosing one thought over another, reducing toxins in your immediate environment, or incorporating deep breathing/mindfulness into your life, there are many things that are in your control. When you start living your life in this manner you find that you feel more empowered, motivated, and confident in yourself, in your body and you are able to face any health challenges in the future from a place of strength rather than fear.

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You are so much more than your autoimmune diagnosis and why it matters

We forget that our healing is our responsibility and goes much beyond the medication and treatment options available. When you are able to go beyond your disease diagnosis and reconnect with yourself as a “whole” person, it becomes much easier to start trusting your body.  And as you become more tuned in to what your body needs, you are able to support and nourish it much more effectively.