

Are you travelling in the right direction? (in other words, do you know what is important to you?)

Knowing where you want to go is the first and most important step in getting there. However for too many of us, we are so “busy”, we often do not stop to question whether we are travelling in the right direction.
If we are not really clear on what we stand for, what we want from life, we may end up filling our life with what is mundane and the unimportant.

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Do you know your ‘WHY” ? (And why you should)

So let us dream and let us take out the time to reflect on what is truly important for each of us. Let us find the courage to face up to reality and make the changes necessary to live in our TRUTH. To look at ourselves in the mirror every single day and be proud of who we are. At the same time be able to view life compassionately as we deal with our own pain and suffering and that of others.