The storm is not over yet…(but it is up to you how you show up in the COVID19 crisis)
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The storm is not over yet…(but it is up to you how you show up in the COVID19 crisis)

Reading Time: 7 minutesAs we all prepare to resume some kind of “normalcy” post these two months of lockdown, our future is fuzzier than ever. All we really know for sure is that many things will have changed when we reopen, some forever.

WISDOM of your body- working WITH and not against your body
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WISDOM of your body- working WITH and not against your body

Reading Time: 5 minutesBy paying attention to what our bodies are trying to tell us (without judgement), we can learn much more than we can ever imagine- indeed, the messages and the mysteries that it holds can be life saving. Unfortunately, most modern societies do not really encourage this.

What’s on your mind? (not your plate)
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What’s on your mind? (not your plate)

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn times of uncertainty and chaos, it becomes very easy for us to comfort ourselves using food. We all do it from time to time especially when we are in need of comfort. However, it becomes an issue only if we are unaware of this and stuffing ourselves with food becomes our default coping mechanism.

EQUANIMITY- How it can help you when life seems out of control
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EQUANIMITY- How it can help you when life seems out of control

Reading Time: 3 minutesEquanimity offers us the balance of steadiness and spaciousness in our hearts to cope with a painful situation in a much more effective way. Instead of resisting and trying to fight what we are facing right now, if you could make space in your heart to allow and recognise the difficult and painful thoughts and feelings as and when they arise without trying to change them, you will often find that you can weather the storms in your life without breaking or getting lost.

RESILIENCE – getting comfortable with uncertainty
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RESILIENCE – getting comfortable with uncertainty

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe people who will be in a position to handle this crisis better are the ones who can tap into inner reserves and are able to bring a sense of calm and balance into their lives. These are people who can rise to the challenges and respond to the stressor without feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.

5 podcast episodes that will help you cut through the noise about COVID-10
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5 podcast episodes that will help you cut through the noise about COVID-10

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis post brings to you 5 episodes on COVID-19 which cover a variety of topics and answers many of the questions that you may have about this virus. I have handpicked these episodes so that it cuts through the noise you and brings to you the latest research from the experts and specialists in this field from all over the world.

Making the most of working from home (especially if you have children)

Making the most of working from home (especially if you have children)

Reading Time: 6 minutesOne of the key changes for many of us will be our ability to work from home. This is certainly practical and useful. But let’s face it, for many women like us with kids at home at this time all day, it can be a real challenge to be productive and work efficiently. This is certainly the case for me.