Change your mind, change your life
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Change your mind, change your life

Reading Time: 5 minutesYou can create changes that you want to see in your life- but only if you are very clear about the results that you want to see in your life by focusing on where you want to go and who you want to be. If you are not sure about the direction that you want your life to move towards, then you will most likely need to take some time to reflect upon this and figure this out as a first step.

6 foods that I keep in my kitchen which supports mood (the first one will surprise you)

6 foods that I keep in my kitchen which supports mood (the first one will surprise you)

Reading Time: 4 minutesThese are often the very foods which we reach for when we are feeling low, depressed or anxious making us feel good only to crash later on. The foods I have shared in this post are only some of many which contain key nutrients for brain health. These are nutrients like amino acids, b vitamins, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, phytonutrients, zinc and other vitamins.

To improve your mood focus on your gut
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To improve your mood focus on your gut

Reading Time: 4 minutesOur gut communicates with our brain and vice versa. The gut microbes and the cells of our create signalling molecules that send messages to the brain along the gut brain axis which influences our mental and emotional states. Also, signals travel in the reverse direction as our mental and emotional states in turn affect our gut health. This entire communication network is more important for your overall health and wellbeing than you could ever have imagined.

Change is inevitable, are you willing to ride the wave of change?
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Change is inevitable, are you willing to ride the wave of change?

Reading Time: 3 minutes if we stay open and curious to an ever changing landscape in our life of new possibilities, hopes and dreams then CHANGE can actually help us build resiliency. By learning to explore what presents itself rather than shutting down, we can ride the waves of change rather than getting carried away by its undercurrents

5 practical ways to to turn towards gratitude and make healthier choices
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5 practical ways to to turn towards gratitude and make healthier choices

Reading Time: 4 minutesOur language reflects our thoughts and our thoughts and words shape our future experiences. Grateful people use words like gifts, blessed, fortunate and blessings whereas less grateful people are more inclined towards words like burdens, deprivation and complaints. However, it is possible to shift our mindset and incline it towards positive emotions and move from self-critical talk to one that is supportive and nourishing.

The “real” problem is not connecting with yourself and not loving yourself
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The “real” problem is not connecting with yourself and not loving yourself

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhen you treat yourself with respect and even love, you will find that you have a sense of peace of being truly present to your own life. You will treat yourself the way you treat your children or loved ones- with love, kindness and respect.

Which wolf are you feeding? (and why it changes how you look at life)
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Which wolf are you feeding? (and why it changes how you look at life)

Reading Time: 3 minutes  – Henry David Thoreau The psychologist, Rick Hanson has said, “The brain is like Velcro for negative experiences and like Teflon for positive ones. ” This means that we are primed to look for bad news and makes it easy for us to become easily stressed by our emphasis on “what’s wrong” in our…