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A mother’s journey to embracing a life that helped heal her daughter’s severe health condition

This extremely difficult phase in our lives taught me that healing goes beyond managing your symptoms and is not only about physical health. It’s an emotional, spiritual and physical healing that starts from deep inside of you.

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Want to raise resilient, compassionate and caring children? Read these 5 books (you won’t want to miss no 3)

What I have found really fascinating, useful and relevant about this collection of books is that they give a multifaceted view on what it takes to be a parent and having a well connected family unit that is in sync with each other.


What you need to know to help you take lasting action in the new year (and a list of books/podcast/videos)

Many of us can also get stuck in the passive action phase and never move forward to a phase of ever creating or producing anything. While it is certainly important to gather information whether it is in the form of degrees, qualifications, courses, classes, we need to be able to apply it in our lives as well.