chronic disease

Finding peace and healing within: Rewriting the story of your body
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Finding peace and healing within: Rewriting the story of your body

Reading Time: 6 minutesRealise that, despite the illness, your body allows you to experience all of life’s beauty, joy and wonders. It works hard 24/7 to keep you alive and functioning. See your body as your loyal companion on the journey towards healing—a friend who is doing the best it can given the circumstances

The Autoimmune Recovery Guide: Myths, Root Causes and Immune Balance

The Autoimmune Recovery Guide: Myths, Root Causes and Immune Balance

Reading Time: 15 minutesAddressing the root causes of autoimmune disease is a highly effective way to restore balance and reverse autoimmune disease.

This means focusing on healing and repairing the gut lining, improving nutrient absorption, reducing inflammation, balancing the immune system, and managing stress. It is also important to be mindful of any potential food sensitivities or triggers as well as toxins in your environment.

By taking these steps to address the root causes of your disease, you can manage your symptoms more effectively and even prevent further damage.