How to prioritise self care so that you can reclaim your life
When you learn to trust your body’s innate wisdom you always find a way to support your healing process, no matter how hard it gets
When you learn to trust your body’s innate wisdom you always find a way to support your healing process, no matter how hard it gets
In the end, the objective of setting goals and working on healthy habits is NOT to change ourselves or “fix” ourselves. It is simply to remove the obstacles that stand in our way of reaching our true potential and fulfil our dreams.
You can create changes that you want to see in your life- but only if you are very clear about the results that you want to see in your life by focusing on where you want to go and who you want to be. If you are not sure about the direction that you want your life to move towards, then you will most likely need to take some time to reflect upon this and figure this out as a first step.