Functional Medicine

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Dealing with unexplained symptoms? Here are 3 simple ways to boost your confidence

Our bodies and our immune system have not evolved to be stuck in this constant “survival” mode. Being stuck in a “fight or flight” response does not leave much room for our bodies to heal. Addressing the root causes of your condition by supporting your body’s healing and recovery are critical if you want to get better.

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Why you should not wait for symptoms to show before you start taking action

The spectrum of autoimmunity is a progressive state of disease that runs from vibrant health at one end to degenerative disease at the other. In between, you have a broad range of varied but related stages of disease which are connected to each other. In other words, at any point, either you are moving towards disease or you are moving towards health.

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3 benefits of beginning the year with clear health goals

The more clarity we have on how we plan to implement a new habit or reach a goal the more likely it is that we will be able to achieve it. However, if it is not very obvious when and where we need to take action it is not easy to implement it. Without setting clear health goals, it can become difficult to live the kind of life that you dream of.

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Don’t wait for the “exact” diagnosis of your autoimmune condition, here are 3 powerful reasons why

You don’t have to wait for anything to be different in your life including getting an exact diagnosis to start supporting your body by creating a healing environment. Whether this is by making healthier food choices, choosing one thought over another, reducing toxins in your immediate environment, or incorporating deep breathing/mindfulness into your life, there are many things that are in your control. When you start living your life in this manner you find that you feel more empowered, motivated, and confident in yourself, in your body and you are able to face any health challenges in the future from a place of strength rather than fear.

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The perfect storm behind your autoimmune condition that no one told you about

You need to remember that the immune system  has been designed to be very, very strong to counter any kind of threat and keep you alive. It is the ability to regulate the immune system and keep it in balance is what determines an appropriate versus over the top response.

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Healing from a chronic illness is possible, even when there is no cure

One of the most empowering things that you can do for yourself in the face of a chronic disease diagnosis (or even if you are trying to prevent one) is to stop being at “WAR” with your body. We are often led to believe that our immune system has gone berserk and that our body has turned against us and this is particularly true in the case of autoimmune diseases. However, by treating our immune system (and our bodies) as our enemy, we are in fact shooting the messenger!

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3 ways in which your body is protecting you in a chronic disease

More than ever before, there are more and more of us who are eager to improve our health and are already spending time, money, and effort in doing so but we are not seeing the results. But the problem is that modern day plague of chronic diseases that we are grappling with are beyond our body’s capabilities of keeping us healthy.  

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How you can benefit from a combination of Functional Medicine and conventional approach

We often get stuck with the notion that there is no other way out, no other solution for the health problems. Unfortunately, this approach falls short of addressing the root causes of complex chronic health issues and creating resilient health.

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3 reasons why eating “healthy” is not so simple when dealing with chronic conditions

Eating foods that are “healthy” really depends on the current state of your body when you are dealing with a chronic condition and will usually change over time. The good news is that once you understand what your body’s requirements are you can start to eat foods that are healthy for YOU and help your body to deal with your health issues much better.