Functional Medicine

To improve your mood focus on your gut
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To improve your mood focus on your gut

Reading Time: 4 minutesOur gut communicates with our brain and vice versa. The gut microbes and the cells of our create signalling molecules that send messages to the brain along the gut brain axis which influences our mental and emotional states. Also, signals travel in the reverse direction as our mental and emotional states in turn affect our gut health. This entire communication network is more important for your overall health and wellbeing than you could ever have imagined.

5 podcast episodes that will help you cut through the noise about COVID-10
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5 podcast episodes that will help you cut through the noise about COVID-10

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis post brings to you 5 episodes on COVID-19 which cover a variety of topics and answers many of the questions that you may have about this virus. I have handpicked these episodes so that it cuts through the noise you and brings to you the latest research from the experts and specialists in this field from all over the world.

What is holding you back from losing weight?
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What is holding you back from losing weight?

Reading Time: 7 minutesHowever, as most of us may realise, inspite of all the awareness about exercise and “healthy” diets, there is something missing here, something that is not right. This approach is simply NOT working for most of us. Otherwise, there would not be more people (including children) who are overweight and in many cases, chronically ill.