3 lessons I learned when dealing with my daughter’s severe health issues
Many people are so focused on their diet, supplements, medications, and treatments that they completely miss out on these softer aspects of long term health creation.
Many people are so focused on their diet, supplements, medications, and treatments that they completely miss out on these softer aspects of long term health creation.
By learning how to make sense of your struggles, surrounding yourself with a supporting community, and engaging in activities that go beyond your needs and desires can help you deal with your health issues. This is why having a sense of meaning is important for your health.
We need to stop believing that we are NOT worthy of our own love and compassion! That somehow we have done nothing to deserve it!
You deserve to feel better when you are facing difficult moments or challenges in your life.
Many of us focus only on the “glass half empty” and complain about all the things that are not the way we want it to be. Unfortunately for us, we end up feeling helpless and disempowered when we do this.
What if you could alter our way of looking at your life?
What if you realised that life owes you nothing?
Most importantly, what if you realised that what you have is actually a GIFT and cannot be taken for granted?
All of us deal with challenges that come our way on a daily basis.
Many of these are simply the demands of everyday life. And whether we like it or not, many of these are due to factors which are beyond our control. Infact, much of what happens to us in life is beyond our control.
Despite our best intentions and efforts, things go wrong- relationships fail, our loved ones die, we develop health problems, financial issues crop up. No matter how much we try to avoid it, pain follows us everywhere. Pain is indeed an integral part of our human existence.
As we all prepare to resume some kind of “normalcy” post these two months of lockdown, our future is fuzzier than ever. All we really know for sure is that many things will have changed when we reopen, some forever.
Equanimity offers us the balance of steadiness and spaciousness in our hearts to cope with a painful situation in a much more effective way. Instead of resisting and trying to fight what we are facing right now, if you could make space in your heart to allow and recognise the difficult and painful thoughts and feelings as and when they arise without trying to change them, you will often find that you can weather the storms in your life without breaking or getting lost.
One of the key changes for many of us will be our ability to work from home. This is certainly practical and useful. But let’s face it, for many women like us with kids at home at this time all day, it can be a real challenge to be productive and work efficiently. This is certainly the case for me.
Some people face their failures and setbacks and bounce back by responding effectively and decisively while others never seem to get their act together. What differentiates these two groups of people? In a word, RESILIENCE.