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Want to raise resilient, compassionate and caring children? Read these 5 books (you won’t want to miss no 3)

What I have found really fascinating, useful and relevant about this collection of books is that they give a multifaceted view on what it takes to be a parent and having a well connected family unit that is in sync with each other.

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YOU are the “expert” on your child (especially in terms of nutrition)

As far as food is concerned, as we have become scared of saying NO to the things that are affecting our children’s health, in effect we are saying YES to processed and nutritionally depleted foods which will have long term impact on our children’s health

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Is your child’s immune system at risk? (Allergies, asthma and eczema- how it all comes together)

There is an epidemic of chronic illnesses in the world right now and it is our children who are the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, health conditions like allergies, eczema and asthma have become only too common in our children today. In fact, the new “normal” for many children is chronic illness.