How food can be used as medicine and heal you from autoimmune disease
If we treat “food as medicine” we can change the way our genes are stimulated and respond, thus creating health through changes in our biological functioning.
If we treat “food as medicine” we can change the way our genes are stimulated and respond, thus creating health through changes in our biological functioning.
You accept your body just as it is, right now, with all its warts, flaws and imperfections. You forgive your body for any mistakes just as you would for a good friend. More importantly, you stop being at “war” with your body.
Mitochondria is an organelle or the “little organ” that is found in each and every cell (apart from red blood cells) in our body. Any dysfunction in this organelle will lead to a dysfunctional cell and eventually a tissue. After enough damage has accumulated, the entire organ system will become dysfunctional and contribute to chronic disease progression.
A healthy immune system is one that can self regulate and have an appropriate and balanced immune response. So it’s not really about how to boost your immune system. Having a healthy immune system is about balance.
What has helped our species to survive over millions of years is now working against us. The thing is, our bodies will prioritise survival over everything else. We often live in an environment that seems constantly threatening to our immune system. As a result, our bodies are living mostly in a “chronic survival mode”.
Symptoms are our body’s way of sending us messages and letting us know that something is wrong. There is something amiss, some kind of imbalance that needs to be dealt with. It is telling us that we need to take action now so that things don’t become progressively worse.
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms when it comes to autoimmune diseases. Some common underlying reasons are lack of proper sleep, low iron levels and poor nutrition. However, there may be other causes that are less common and hence remain unaddressed.
Dealing with any such conditions requires us to make changes in terms of our lifestyle, our diet and our mindset. As a result, the steps that my clients have to take can become really overwhelming. To avoid this, I take my clients through a step-by-step process that consists of 6 stages. By going through this process, they become much more aware of their own bodies, feel more energetic and confident as they finally start addressing the root causes of their disease.
Our immune system is responsible for both accelerating and applying brakes on itself. This way we can have an appropriate, measured, and balanced response to a threat. Otherwise, we have chronic runaway inflammation which comes at a heavy price as it is being constantly fueled by an overreactive immune system.
Our bodies and our immune system have not evolved to be stuck in this constant “survival” mode. Being stuck in a “fight or flight” response does not leave much room for our bodies to heal. Addressing the root causes of your condition by supporting your body’s healing and recovery are critical if you want to get better.