chronic disease

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Balancing the immune system is an effective way to treat autoimmune disease without strong immunosuppression

Your autoimmune disease diagnosis is NOT a life sentence.
No diagnosis is. You don’t have to be sick all time or be in constant pain. You don’t have to deal with severe exhaustion, all day, every day. Your immune system can be healed, and you can do it.

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Increasing low energy levels begins with supporting your mitochondria

Mitochondria is an organelle or the “little organ” that is found in each and every cell (apart from red blood cells) in our body. Any dysfunction in this organelle will lead to a dysfunctional cell and eventually a tissue. After enough damage has accumulated, the entire organ system will become dysfunctional and contribute to chronic disease progression.

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This 3 part framework helps reduce symptoms by addressing the root causes of autoimmunity

Dealing with any such conditions requires us to make changes in terms of our lifestyle, our diet and our mindset. As a result, the steps that my clients have to take can become really overwhelming. To avoid this, I take my clients through a step-by-step process that consists of 6 stages. By going through this process, they become much more aware of their own bodies, feel more energetic and confident as they finally start addressing the root causes of their disease. 

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Why you should not wait for symptoms to show before you start taking action

The spectrum of autoimmunity is a progressive state of disease that runs from vibrant health at one end to degenerative disease at the other. In between, you have a broad range of varied but related stages of disease which are connected to each other. In other words, at any point, either you are moving towards disease or you are moving towards health.

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3 benefits of beginning the year with clear health goals

The more clarity we have on how we plan to implement a new habit or reach a goal the more likely it is that we will be able to achieve it. However, if it is not very obvious when and where we need to take action it is not easy to implement it. Without setting clear health goals, it can become difficult to live the kind of life that you dream of.

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Don’t wait for the “exact” diagnosis of your autoimmune condition, here are 3 powerful reasons why

You don’t have to wait for anything to be different in your life including getting an exact diagnosis to start supporting your body by creating a healing environment. Whether this is by making healthier food choices, choosing one thought over another, reducing toxins in your immediate environment, or incorporating deep breathing/mindfulness into your life, there are many things that are in your control. When you start living your life in this manner you find that you feel more empowered, motivated, and confident in yourself, in your body and you are able to face any health challenges in the future from a place of strength rather than fear.

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How you can benefit from a combination of Functional Medicine and conventional approach

We often get stuck with the notion that there is no other way out, no other solution for the health problems. Unfortunately, this approach falls short of addressing the root causes of complex chronic health issues and creating resilient health.