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You are so much more than your autoimmune diagnosis and why it matters

We forget that our healing is our responsibility and goes much beyond the medication and treatment options available. When you are able to go beyond your disease diagnosis and reconnect with yourself as a “whole” person, it becomes much easier to start trusting your body.  And as you become more tuned in to what your body needs, you are able to support and nourish it much more effectively.

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3 things you ought to know about autoimmune diseases but may not

At the heart of any autoimmune condition lies immune dysregulation. Autoimmune disease is a progressive disease that has vibrant health at one extreme end and a degenerative state at the other.

The problem is that when we are in the beginning stages of an autoimmune disease, there may not be any obvious symptoms. This is why we can suffer from autoimmune damage long before we are diagnosed and much before any symptoms occur.

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How a health coach can help if you are dealing with an autoimmune condition

In my latest blog post I share with you why more and more people are realising that they need to make certain make lifestyle, dietary, and mindset changes in order to regain their health. Making better choices and creating new habits is key when it comes to healing from an autoimmune (and other chronic) conditions.

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3 reasons why self care is often a courageous, radical act of love for women

Women are natural caregivers and are usually the primary caregivers in their families. However, often without realising we end up overgiving and run on empty without giving ourselves some respite. We then start feeling resentful of our responsibilities and feel demotivated and stressed.

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3 ways that you can make your body your friend and create a healthy lifestyle

Have you made your body your friend yet?
Do you take the time to PAUSE and tune into your body?
Do you love and care for your body by attending to it’s needs?

Too many of us spend more time taking care of our possessions like cars, bags, clothes, phones etc than we do our own bodies- the only home that we will ever truly have.

Have you ever wondered why that is?

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Finding stillness in a chaotic world and taking care of yourself – mind, body, and soul

Stillness is a state of being still- in other words being calm, relaxed, quiet, and inactive. While on the outside there might be turbulence and activity, inside there is peace and tranquility. Stillness is what you need if you want to be more creative, to make better decisions, and is the key to thinking clearly, making tough decisions, regulating our emotions, and being truly present for our lives.

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Giving yourself permission to PAUSE is an important part of your self care routine

By asking for help when needed, we can give ourselves time to breathe and avoid falling into a pattern of self neglect. For it is often when we neglect ourselves that we start feeling deprived- of companionship, time, peace, love, attention, energy, and much more.