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3 ways in which your body is protecting you in a chronic disease

More than ever before, there are more and more of us who are eager to improve our health and are already spending time, money, and effort in doing so but we are not seeing the results. But the problem is that modern day plague of chronic diseases that we are grappling with are beyond our body’s capabilities of keeping us healthy.  

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3 reasons why eating “healthy” is not so simple when dealing with chronic conditions

Eating foods that are “healthy” really depends on the current state of your body when you are dealing with a chronic condition and will usually change over time. The good news is that once you understand what your body’s requirements are you can start to eat foods that are healthy for YOU and help your body to deal with your health issues much better.

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GRATITUDE- it’s the little things that count

Many of us focus only on the “glass half empty” and complain about all the things that are not the way we want it to be. Unfortunately for us, we end up feeling helpless and disempowered when we do this.

What if you could alter our way of looking at your life?

What if you realised that life owes you nothing?

Most importantly, what if you realised that what you have is actually a GIFT and cannot be taken for granted?

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What you can control (and why you should let go of the rest)

What I find is that most people struggle to let go of a need to control what they really cannot and this makes them miserable. Letting go does not mean losing the knowledge we have gained from the past. The knowledge of the past stays with us. You simply choose to let go of what does not serve you so that you can focus on what really matters.

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Is your child’s immune system at risk? (Allergies, asthma and eczema- how it all comes together)

There is an epidemic of chronic illnesses in the world right now and it is our children who are the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, health conditions like allergies, eczema and asthma have become only too common in our children today. In fact, the new “normal” for many children is chronic illness.

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Why an elimination diet is usually the starting point for embarking on your health journey

Food remains the most important piece in the puzzle and the first step towards improving our gut health. By eliminating certain trigger foods which are causing your symptoms by creating chronic inflammation in your body you can begin working on healing your gut. The best way to discover your food sensitivities is to complete an elimination diet.