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3 reasons why eating “healthy” is not so simple when dealing with chronic conditions

Eating foods that are “healthy” really depends on the current state of your body when you are dealing with a chronic condition and will usually change over time. The good news is that once you understand what your body’s requirements are you can start to eat foods that are healthy for YOU and help your body to deal with your health issues much better.

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3 things you ought to know about autoimmune diseases but may not

At the heart of any autoimmune condition lies immune dysregulation. Autoimmune disease is a progressive disease that has vibrant health at one extreme end and a degenerative state at the other.

The problem is that when we are in the beginning stages of an autoimmune disease, there may not be any obvious symptoms. This is why we can suffer from autoimmune damage long before we are diagnosed and much before any symptoms occur.

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3 reasons why self care is often a courageous, radical act of love for women

Women are natural caregivers and are usually the primary caregivers in their families. However, often without realising we end up overgiving and run on empty without giving ourselves some respite. We then start feeling resentful of our responsibilities and feel demotivated and stressed.