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How a health coach can help if you are dealing with an autoimmune condition

In my latest blog post I share with you why more and more people are realising that they need to make certain make lifestyle, dietary, and mindset changes in order to regain their health. Making better choices and creating new habits is key when it comes to healing from an autoimmune (and other chronic) conditions.

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What you are NOT asking about healthy eating but definitely should (especially if you are struggling with weight issues)

In this post, I have decided to share with you some of the key interventions that I introduce early in my coaching sessions regarding how we should all be eating in order to ensure maximum absorption of nutrients. This is often the missing piece in terms of seeing the health outcomes that my clients have been seeking for many years. This is particularly true for those who have been struggling to lose weight in spite of being focussed on eating healthy and wholesome foods.