Why extremely restrictive diets can completely backfire and worsen your autoimmune symptoms
If we are not mindful of each person’s unique requirements, dietary restrictions can become excessive and cause more harm than…
If we are not mindful of each person’s unique requirements, dietary restrictions can become excessive and cause more harm than…
Using food as medicine is not just about what you eat, but also about how you eat, when you eat and why you eat. Ignoring these crucial factors can lead to the top three mistakes people make when trying to use food as medicine.
If we treat “food as medicine” we can change the way our genes are stimulated and respond, thus creating health through changes in our biological functioning.
Functional Medicine helps us understand the connection between our environment, lifestyle and behaviour and address them at a root level
70 to 80% of our immune system resides in our gut. Hence your gut is not only the foundation of your overall health but also the gateway to your immune resilience. In this blog post have shared with you 7 different ways that you can support your immune health and build resilience.
These are often the very foods which we reach for when we are feeling low, depressed or anxious making us feel good only to crash later on. The foods I have shared in this post are only some of many which contain key nutrients for brain health. These are nutrients like amino acids, b vitamins, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, phytonutrients, zinc and other vitamins.
Our gut communicates with our brain and vice versa. The gut microbes and the cells of our create signalling molecules that send messages to the brain along the gut brain axis which influences our mental and emotional states. Also, signals travel in the reverse direction as our mental and emotional states in turn affect our gut health. This entire communication network is more important for your overall health and wellbeing than you could ever have imagined.
In times of uncertainty and chaos, it becomes very easy for us to comfort ourselves using food. We all do it from time to time especially when we are in need of comfort. However, it becomes an issue only if we are unaware of this and stuffing ourselves with food becomes our default coping mechanism.
Food remains the most important piece in the puzzle and the first step towards improving our gut health. By eliminating certain trigger foods which are causing your symptoms by creating chronic inflammation in your body you can begin working on healing your gut. The best way to discover your food sensitivities is to complete an elimination diet.