Discovering the Path to Joy: Five Gratitude Rituals You Can Start Today
Have you heard about the story of Mulla Nasruddin and donkeys? I shared this intriguing story recently on my podcast…
Have you heard about the story of Mulla Nasruddin and donkeys? I shared this intriguing story recently on my podcast…
Choosing gratitude shifts everything. Your nervous system calms, sleep improves, and your whole outlook on life brightens. More importantly, you start feeling at peace and healthy in your body once again
While there are always things that are beyond our control, we can save a lot of energy and feel happier when we change a few things in our lives.
Starting with the approach that we take.
Many of us focus only on the “glass half empty” and complain about all the things that are not the way we want it to be. Unfortunately for us, we end up feeling helpless and disempowered when we do this.
What if you could alter our way of looking at your life?
What if you realised that life owes you nothing?
Most importantly, what if you realised that what you have is actually a GIFT and cannot be taken for granted?
Our language reflects our thoughts and our thoughts and words shape our future experiences. Grateful people use words like gifts, blessed, fortunate and blessings whereas less grateful people are more inclined towards words like burdens, deprivation and complaints. However, it is possible to shift our mindset and incline it towards positive emotions and move from self-critical talk to one that is supportive and nourishing.
Our fast paced lives do not allow us to slow down and relish the pleasures of every day life. It is not conducive to noticing and enjoying the simple joys that are present in our lives only if we pay attention to them. Also, it is really easy to think nowadays in terms of – Who am I to enjoy when others are suffering?
It is impossible to feel bitter, angry and resentful when our hearts are filled with gratitude for what we have. A grateful heart also helps us to see the wonder that is around us and makes is apparent just how available joy is in our lives.
I have been meaning to write a post on all the things that I am grateful for in my life and I find that the beginning of this new year is a good time to do just that.