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GRATITUDE- it’s the little things that count

Many of us focus only on the “glass half empty” and complain about all the things that are not the way we want it to be. Unfortunately for us, we end up feeling helpless and disempowered when we do this.

What if you could alter our way of looking at your life?

What if you realised that life owes you nothing?

Most importantly, what if you realised that what you have is actually a GIFT and cannot be taken for granted?


STRUGGLE – why it isn’t about what you wanted, but what you got

All of us deal with challenges that come our way on a daily basis.

Many of these are simply the demands of everyday life. And whether we like it or not, many of these are due to factors which are beyond our control. Infact, much of what happens to us in life is beyond our control.

Despite our best intentions and efforts, things go wrong- relationships fail, our loved ones die, we develop health problems, financial issues crop up. No matter how much we try to avoid it, pain follows us everywhere. Pain is indeed an integral part of our human existence.