How Functional Medicine addresses root causes of chronic conditions beyond conventional medicine
Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of doctor visits, medications, and temporary fixes for your…
Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of doctor visits, medications, and temporary fixes for your…
Are you tired of feeling trapped in an endless cycle of autoimmune flares, fatigue, and pain? Do you long to…
I often hear from my health coaching clients that the prospect of healing from chronic illness feels overwhelming. The suggested…
If we are not mindful of each person’s unique requirements, dietary restrictions can become excessive and cause more harm than…
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The biggest reason that many people keep getting more and more sick is because they are waiting for symptoms to worsen enough after significant damage has occurred to get a diagnosis.
This is actually the opposite of what we should be doing.
It starts with owning your healing journey.
This means reclaiming your identity as more than a diagnosis or set of symptoms.
You are a whole person, worthy of love and belonging.
And you have people in your life who care deeply for you, as you are.
Addressing the root causes of autoimmune disease is a highly effective way to restore balance and reverse autoimmune disease.
This means focusing on healing and repairing the gut lining, improving nutrient absorption, reducing inflammation, balancing the immune system, and managing stress. It is also important to be mindful of any potential food sensitivities or triggers as well as toxins in your environment.
By taking these steps to address the root causes of your disease, you can manage your symptoms more effectively and even prevent further damage.
Our bodies and our immune systems have evolved over millions of years to protect us. It is what has kept our species alive. They are designed to keep us safe, to help us live.
Having an autoimmune disease doesn’t mean that your body is at war with you!
We are led to believe that there is only ONE path to getting better.
And that the ONLY way to get better is to work against our bodies. Either because somehow our bodies are to blame for what is happening or because our bodies are broken and need to be fixed. That only medications and treatments will help us get better and there is no other option.
Using food as medicine is not just about what you eat, but also about how you eat, when you eat and why you eat. Ignoring these crucial factors can lead to the top three mistakes people make when trying to use food as medicine.
While food is an extremely part of the healing process, I don’t believe that dietary restriction is the most effective way to improve autoimmune symptoms.
Changing our diet is necessary to give our bodies the nutrients that it needs to restore balance and function. But we need to be careful with our approach.
We know that gluten plays an important role in enhanced intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut) which is a major contributor to autoimmune disease progression.
However, simply going gluten-free may not be enough to improve autoimmune symptoms as other dietary factors and nutrient deficiencies can also play a role.
Your body is always working to heal itself. All it needs is a little support and guidance from you to help it reach its full healing potential.
Treating yourself as the most important person in your world allows you to develop an amazing ability to know, trust and love yourself so that you take care of your health in the best way possible.
A healthy self care routine involves having the time to do the things that nourish your body, mind and soul.
There’s a whole shade of grey in between this black and white reality of having no autoimmune disease to being diagnosed with one.
This entire progressive state of disease is the spectrum of autoimmunity that has vibrant health at one end and degenerative disease at the other.
While there are always things that are beyond our control, we can save a lot of energy and feel happier when we change a few things in our lives.
Starting with the approach that we take.
When you learn to trust your body’s innate wisdom you always find a way to support your healing process, no matter how hard it gets
A lack of support and guidance is a huge stumbling block for most people dealing with chronic illnesses. They are left on their own trying to figure out what steps they need to take and in which order, and struggle with low levels of motivation when they hit an inevitable roadblock
Stop trying to “fix yourself” and do what is necessary to support your body from a place of acceptance and wholeness. There is a world of a difference between the two!
“Body burden” is a key concept that we all need to grasp. It refers to the total amount of toxic chemicals that are in your body at any given point in time. This will help us fully appreciate the effort that we need to put in order to minimise the impact of toxins on our health.
Toxins are like the elephant in the room- hidden from sight but unavoidable. However, once you know how you are getting exposed you can work on reducing your exposure.
Many people are not aware that “incurable” diseases can be reversed by bringing the body back into balance. For eg…
Symptoms are our body’s way of sending us messages and letting us know that something is wrong. There is something amiss, some kind of imbalance that needs to be dealt with. It is telling us that we need to take action now so that things don’t become progressively worse.
More than 70% of your entire immune system resides in your gut. Gut health and the strength of your immune…
The good news is that you do not need to be at “war” with your body.
Having an autoimmune condition doesn’t mean your body has given up on you! Living with a chronic illness means that your body is trying its best to adapt to the environment you are asking it to live in.
Dealing with any such conditions requires us to make changes in terms of our lifestyle, our diet and our mindset. As a result, the steps that my clients have to take can become really overwhelming. To avoid this, I take my clients through a step-by-step process that consists of 6 stages. By going through this process, they become much more aware of their own bodies, feel more energetic and confident as they finally start addressing the root causes of their disease.
In autoimmune diseases, chronic pain is often the first sign of an underlying imbalance. At other times it is a byproduct of the tissue damage that accompanies many autoimmune conditions. Either way, there is a lot of evidence that links chronic stress to pain that accompanies any chronic illness.
Your autoimmune disease diagnosis does not have to control your life. You don’t have to feel constantly sick, in pain and deal with extreme fatigue for the rest of your life. There is much you can do to take charge of your health and get your life back.
The spectrum of autoimmunity is a progressive state of disease that runs from vibrant health at one end to degenerative disease at the other. In between, you have a broad range of varied but related stages of disease which are connected to each other. In other words, at any point, either you are moving towards disease or you are moving towards health.
At the heart of any autoimmune condition lies immune dysregulation. Autoimmune disease is a progressive disease that has vibrant health at one extreme end and a degenerative state at the other.
The problem is that when we are in the beginning stages of an autoimmune disease, there may not be any obvious symptoms. This is why we can suffer from autoimmune damage long before we are diagnosed and much before any symptoms occur.
In my latest blog post I share with you why more and more people are realising that they need to make certain make lifestyle, dietary, and mindset changes in order to regain their health. Making better choices and creating new habits is key when it comes to healing from an autoimmune (and other chronic) conditions.
Our language reflects our thoughts and our thoughts and words shape our future experiences. Grateful people use words like gifts, blessed, fortunate and blessings whereas less grateful people are more inclined towards words like burdens, deprivation and complaints. However, it is possible to shift our mindset and incline it towards positive emotions and move from self-critical talk to one that is supportive and nourishing.
Life after a chronic illness diagnosis such as an autoimmune disease can feel daunting and uncertain. It can feel like…
Realise that, despite the illness, your body allows you to experience all of life’s beauty, joy and wonders. It works hard 24/7 to keep you alive and functioning. See your body as your loyal companion on the journey towards healing—a friend who is doing the best it can given the circumstances
I know life is usually very challenging when you are dealing with any chronic illness.
Plus, the pain, fatigue, and other symptoms can make it feel totally impossible to practice self-care when you have a million other responsibilities.
But you see, dealing with any chronic condition means that you take baby steps every single day to support your body’s healing process and speed up recovery.