How Functional Medicine addresses root causes of chronic conditions beyond conventional medicine
Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of doctor visits, medications, and temporary fixes for your…
Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of doctor visits, medications, and temporary fixes for your…
You can create changes that you want to see in your life- but only if you are very clear about the results that you want to see in your life by focusing on where you want to go and who you want to be. If you are not sure about the direction that you want your life to move towards, then you will most likely need to take some time to reflect upon this and figure this out as a first step.
In times of uncertainty and chaos, it becomes very easy for us to comfort ourselves using food. We all do it from time to time especially when we are in need of comfort. However, it becomes an issue only if we are unaware of this and stuffing ourselves with food becomes our default coping mechanism.
This post brings to you 5 episodes on COVID-19 which cover a variety of topics and answers many of the questions that you may have about this virus. I have handpicked these episodes so that it cuts through the noise you and brings to you the latest research from the experts and specialists in this field from all over the world.
One of the key changes for many of us will be our ability to work from home. This is certainly practical and useful. But let’s face it, for many women like us with kids at home at this time all day, it can be a real challenge to be productive and work efficiently. This is certainly the case for me.
What I have found really fascinating, useful and relevant about this collection of books is that they give a multifaceted view on what it takes to be a parent and having a well connected family unit that is in sync with each other.
Many people mistakenly believe that there is nothing they can do to mitigate the harmful effects of toxin exposure that happens in our homes. As a result, they do not take it into account when buying food and other products
What I find to be a common obstacle in preventing many of my clients (and friends) from doing so is often a “lack of time”. Since regaining health and/or sustaining good health takes BOTH time and effort, not having enough time to take care of themselves is a major constraint for most women.