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Using the power of intentions to create positive changes

An intention exists behind every thought and action even if you are not aware of it. Intentions are like roadmaps that can guide you as you move through life if you choose to become aware of it. This is especially true if you are looking to make positive changes in your life and see the outcomes that you truly want. In this way, it helps you to hone on to see more of you what you want in your life.

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Change is inevitable, are you willing to ride the wave of change?

if we stay open and curious to an ever changing landscape in our life of new possibilities, hopes and dreams then CHANGE can actually help us build resiliency. By learning to explore what presents itself rather than shutting down, we can ride the waves of change rather than getting carried away by its undercurrents

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5 practical ways to to turn towards gratitude and make healthier choices

Our language reflects our thoughts and our thoughts and words shape our future experiences. Grateful people use words like gifts, blessed, fortunate and blessings whereas less grateful people are more inclined towards words like burdens, deprivation and complaints. However, it is possible to shift our mindset and incline it towards positive emotions and move from self-critical talk to one that is supportive and nourishing.


STRUGGLE – why it isn’t about what you wanted, but what you got

All of us deal with challenges that come our way on a daily basis.

Many of these are simply the demands of everyday life. And whether we like it or not, many of these are due to factors which are beyond our control. Infact, much of what happens to us in life is beyond our control.

Despite our best intentions and efforts, things go wrong- relationships fail, our loved ones die, we develop health problems, financial issues crop up. No matter how much we try to avoid it, pain follows us everywhere. Pain is indeed an integral part of our human existence.