Workshops and webinars

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Using the power of intentions to create positive changes

An intention exists behind every thought and action even if you are not aware of it. Intentions are like roadmaps that can guide you as you move through life if you choose to become aware of it. This is especially true if you are looking to make positive changes in your life and see the outcomes that you truly want. In this way, it helps you to hone on to see more of you what you want in your life.

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Change your mind, change your life

You can create changes that you want to see in your life- but only if you are very clear about the results that you want to see in your life by focusing on where you want to go and who you want to be. If you are not sure about the direction that you want your life to move towards, then you will most likely need to take some time to reflect upon this and figure this out as a first step.

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5 podcast episodes that will help you cut through the noise about COVID-10

This post brings to you 5 episodes on COVID-19 which cover a variety of topics and answers many of the questions that you may have about this virus. I have handpicked these episodes so that it cuts through the noise you and brings to you the latest research from the experts and specialists in this field from all over the world.

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YOU are the “expert” on your child (especially in terms of nutrition)

As far as food is concerned, as we have become scared of saying NO to the things that are affecting our children’s health, in effect we are saying YES to processed and nutritionally depleted foods which will have long term impact on our children’s health

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Is your child’s immune system at risk? (Allergies, asthma and eczema- how it all comes together)

There is an epidemic of chronic illnesses in the world right now and it is our children who are the most vulnerable. Unfortunately, health conditions like allergies, eczema and asthma have become only too common in our children today. In fact, the new “normal” for many children is chronic illness.

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Why an elimination diet is usually the starting point for embarking on your health journey

Food remains the most important piece in the puzzle and the first step towards improving our gut health. By eliminating certain trigger foods which are causing your symptoms by creating chronic inflammation in your body you can begin working on healing your gut. The best way to discover your food sensitivities is to complete an elimination diet.